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 Byzantine lead seal : Mother of God, help Serge, son of George ?

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Nombre de messages : 3280
Age : 77
Localisation : Bretagne
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2020

Byzantine lead seal : Mother of God, help Serge, son of George ? Empty
MessageSujet: Byzantine lead seal : Mother of God, help Serge, son of George ?   Byzantine lead seal : Mother of God, help Serge, son of George ? Icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr 2024 - 15:02

Here is a recent acquisition of a byzantine lead seal, with no data other than photos and metrological data.
Weight: 12.3 grams; Average diameter: approx. 17 mm; Average thickness: approx. 5.5 mm.

 Byzantine lead seal : Mother of God, help Serge, son of George ? Avers_43Byzantine lead seal : Mother of God, help Serge, son of George ? Revers58
Below is my deciphering of this seal, and I thank you in advance for your comments and opinions.
As it stands, this seal seems to me to be unprecedented (?) in terms of the few specialist works and websites consulted "to date"...

John (alias Minotaure)
Type I invocatory monogram (V. Laurent)
Accosted in quadrants 1, 2, 3, 4 of V, I, ω, +
For "Θεοτόκε βοήθει" and "υἱῷ"
That is, "Mother of God help" and "son"
And presumably for: Mother of God, help X, son of Y.
X (the son) and Y (the father) certainly being united in the monogram on the reverse....
Letters: γ, ε, ι, ο, ρ, σ, υ, ω
In capital letters on the seal.
Monogram of both Serge and George
In Serge, there is a σ but no ω           Σεργίου
In George, there is a ω but no σ         Γεωργίου
In this monogram, the "omega" of George "embraces" all the letters of Serge, like the arms of a "father embracing his son"...
So, in the end: Θεοτόκε βοήθει Σεργίου υἱῷ Γεωργίου i.e. "Mother of God, help Serge, son of George"
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Byzantine lead seal : Mother of God, help Serge, son of George ?
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